a collection of git-inspired haikus
In code, beauty thrivesGit commands and haikus mergeSilent harmony
Git branch anewMerge-request, conflicts fadeCommit, push, and pull
Reflog remembersCommit amend, time rewrittenReset - echoes fade
Collaborate, branchMerge fast-forward, bonding seamsTags - milestones marked.
Get your own collection of git inspired Haikus
Clone whispers softlyDiff illuminates changesFetch - a new dawn blooms
Stash untracked filesInit repo, stories sharedRemote lands, we sync
Add to stagePull-request bridges distanceRebase, histories align
Get your dose of git zen in together with your coffee
Status unveils truthGit log, the past preservedCheckout - pathways shift
Blame reveals the sourceMerge master, wisdom gainedResolving conflict
Branches intertwineRevert, time rewinds its stepsPush - progress endures
Who made this?
Hi 👋I'm Tobias, a developer who for so long didn't see the beauty in Git.Once I understood it (I mean, really understood it), it's beautiful.
Almost like poetry...So I paired up with my friend Chad Geepetee who helped me write these so we could share them with you.If you like this, let me know!
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© Tobias Talltorp. All rights reserved.